Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dear Idiots

Since I think this particular issue was going to make me snap over the weekend back home, it's time we have a chat. Lets discuss merging when you have a merge lane/acceleration lane, whatever you choose to call it.

When entering a merge lane, you DO NOT stop at the BEGINNING of the merge lane and wait until there are no cars coming so you can pull into traffic. No, you are supposed to accelerate and gain speed so you are able to MERGE smoothly with traffic - Hence the term merge lane (fancy that)

Not only that, but in most cases, assuming the person in the right lane isn't as clueless as the idiot that stopped in front of you before you entered the merge lane, the car in the right lane in most cases will move over to the left lane allowing you to merge properly, and if not will adjust their speed so you are able to merge safely.

Now, if you do have an idiot in the right lane, like the one you probably had in front of you before you tried to merge, that makes it impossible for you to enter traffic, the only time you are supposed to stop as at the END of the merge lane. At his time you enter traffic when the right lane is free. Make sense?

You're Welcome :)

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