This is the first time I've made an effort to watch either an opening or closing ceremonies for a particular Olympics. I've never really been able to get into them, I've just found myself becoming bored quickly. This one however, and I'm not sure how different or similar other opening or closing ceremonies have been, but I thought so far (still in progress as I write this) have been really well done. A great mix of words and speeches that make you think, and appreciate various things, and at the same time a nice blend of humour and poking fun at Canadian stereotypes (Where can I get an inflatable beaver and moose?!) I thought the hockey players and the blow up RCMP officers, as well as the I'm sorry speech were funny as well. It was also awesome to see Michael J. Fox have a part as well. I thought the musical choices wern't to bad but I could have done without Avril Lavigne and Alanis Morrisette. It's kinda sad to see the Olympics come to an end. I really didn't pay much attention in 06 but did in 02, and came to remember all the things I liked seeing, and saw some new events that I liked as well. Kinda sucks that we rarely see the majority of the events that are part of the Olympics.
I'm already looking forward to the 2014 games in Sochi Russia. How great would it be to win in hockey, in Russia? Nothing will ever beat winning gold against the U.S. on home ice, but, beating Russia in Russia for gold is a close second in my opinion. I'm sure their athletes will be under the same pressure ours we're this year, not just in hockey but in everything else as well. Given how poorly they did (not a shot against their athletes, but their medal total was much lower than usual)I'm sure that similar efforts will be made to boost their outcomes as was done with our athletes this year.
The would have loved to have been a fly on the wall after the third period. Not sure what greater test a coach can have than to boost his players spirits after not only giving up the tying goal with less than a minute left, but also after being outplayed for most of the third period as well. Congrats to Bobby Lou for hanging in there and being there when we needed him the most, as well as congrats to Sidney Crosby (not a typo lol) for getting the winning goal. Winning at home against the Americans...does it get any better for the Olympics?
Much love and big hugs
Sunday, February 28, 2010
untitled 2
So...Shutter Island. Not what I thought it was going to be based on previews, it was scary but also interesting as well from a story point of view. I almost never do these kind of movies because quite frankly I'm a big baby but it was good to head out after an 8 hour work day. I think the next movie will have to be From Paris With Love, looks like a great action movie, and John Travolta is the best, no question.
Gold medal it is. The game, and opponent we all wanted. Miller and Luongo. Kinda nervous about it but I think the boys will be ready but a fast start is key, and being able to handle tense moments, something we haven't looked all to good at points against the US and Slovakia. It should be a great game, hope you all enjoy it. Now that I think of it...I kinda miss watching "the big game" with you....ever wonder if someone, regardless of the given situation (game, a certain location, w/e) or the type of relationship you had with that person feels or thinks about the same? Guess we'll always wonder.
Thanks for reading, much love and big hugs
Gold medal it is. The game, and opponent we all wanted. Miller and Luongo. Kinda nervous about it but I think the boys will be ready but a fast start is key, and being able to handle tense moments, something we haven't looked all to good at points against the US and Slovakia. It should be a great game, hope you all enjoy it. Now that I think of it...I kinda miss watching "the big game" with you....ever wonder if someone, regardless of the given situation (game, a certain location, w/e) or the type of relationship you had with that person feels or thinks about the same? Guess we'll always wonder.
Thanks for reading, much love and big hugs
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hockey, Moving, etc
So Bobby Lou it is eh? Definitely a move that had to be made in my opinion. Marty just hasn't looked himself, and win or lose for Lou, this without a doubt is the right call. Good stuff Babcock for making a hell of a difficult choice. Hopefully the boys can use the Germany game as a confidence builder for the game against Russia that would be after.
Nothing new to report on the moving situation. I tried getting in touch with a person that I believe would be a good fit but there was no answer, but tomorrow is obviously a new day, better luck then. Still pretty scared about everything. Throughout all of this, my mom has been an amazing help. We haven't always gotten along all the time, but if I ever had any doubt if she'd be there when I needed her the most, I don't have to doubt or question any more. Thanks mom. Still trying my best to remain positive about everything, moving and school related, and otherwise as well. It's a struggle for sure, but just gotta keep on going and trying.
I've been thinking to myself over the past few days, if I wasn't in such a pinch to reach my goal financially before I leave for Brandon (program is 2 years, they suggested not working if at all possible so that is what I am striving for) that I'd really like to just go out for a drive and just see where I end up - like for a few days. I thought to myself maybe a trip up to the mountains, like Calgary, or even Banff, just to get away from everything and get some clear thought. I hear its one of the most beautiful places in the world, I'd like to go one day.
Not sure I'm quite ready to talk about what I was referring to in the previous posting. So much to say, and wanting to say it all right...stay tuned.
Much love, and lots of hugs.
Nothing new to report on the moving situation. I tried getting in touch with a person that I believe would be a good fit but there was no answer, but tomorrow is obviously a new day, better luck then. Still pretty scared about everything. Throughout all of this, my mom has been an amazing help. We haven't always gotten along all the time, but if I ever had any doubt if she'd be there when I needed her the most, I don't have to doubt or question any more. Thanks mom. Still trying my best to remain positive about everything, moving and school related, and otherwise as well. It's a struggle for sure, but just gotta keep on going and trying.
I've been thinking to myself over the past few days, if I wasn't in such a pinch to reach my goal financially before I leave for Brandon (program is 2 years, they suggested not working if at all possible so that is what I am striving for) that I'd really like to just go out for a drive and just see where I end up - like for a few days. I thought to myself maybe a trip up to the mountains, like Calgary, or even Banff, just to get away from everything and get some clear thought. I hear its one of the most beautiful places in the world, I'd like to go one day.
Not sure I'm quite ready to talk about what I was referring to in the previous posting. So much to say, and wanting to say it all right...stay tuned.
Much love, and lots of hugs.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Well that game was terrible. I think it's time for Marty (love the guy) to pass the torch to Luongo after a game like that. You hate to blame a goalie after a loss, especially him, but Brodeur has looked average at best in his games. Thursday's game against Russia will be a huge struggle regardless.
The Bombers will supposedly be releasing Michael Bishop this week. Makes me wonder if the Bombers will go after Kerry Joseph given PLOP said he wanted a vet QB on the roster. Regardless, neither QB is anything to ride home about obviously
Was at my buddy, Brandon's place for the late afternoon/evening. I've always enjoyed my time there, but I find myself really trying to soak everything in given that those occurrences are coming to an end. Just the stupid funnies we laugh about, and the hours of football conversations we have....priceless
I think I may have found the place in Brandon that I was going to stay at previously had I gone last year. It was on a piece of paper that was lost but I think I found it elsewhere. I'm going to call tomorrow, hopefully I am right. It would make a very difficult situation for me....slightly less difficult.
Not to get all cheesey, but I want to know if I'm alone on this. In a PERFECT world, would it not to be nice to have such a thing as a cuddle buddy for watching movies, or when you've had a crap day or they've had a crap day? I mean people obviously have FWB's, make out buddies and whatever with no strings attached. Why not a cuddle buddy? Sign me up.
I've got some more to add, but I don't know how I want to word it yet, it's kinda deep. We'll see how it goes, maybe sleep on it and go from there.
Here is a question to ponder, would you risk it all, to have a chance to get it all?
Thanks for reading, much love and big hugs.
The Bombers will supposedly be releasing Michael Bishop this week. Makes me wonder if the Bombers will go after Kerry Joseph given PLOP said he wanted a vet QB on the roster. Regardless, neither QB is anything to ride home about obviously
Was at my buddy, Brandon's place for the late afternoon/evening. I've always enjoyed my time there, but I find myself really trying to soak everything in given that those occurrences are coming to an end. Just the stupid funnies we laugh about, and the hours of football conversations we have....priceless
I think I may have found the place in Brandon that I was going to stay at previously had I gone last year. It was on a piece of paper that was lost but I think I found it elsewhere. I'm going to call tomorrow, hopefully I am right. It would make a very difficult situation for me....slightly less difficult.
Not to get all cheesey, but I want to know if I'm alone on this. In a PERFECT world, would it not to be nice to have such a thing as a cuddle buddy for watching movies, or when you've had a crap day or they've had a crap day? I mean people obviously have FWB's, make out buddies and whatever with no strings attached. Why not a cuddle buddy? Sign me up.
I've got some more to add, but I don't know how I want to word it yet, it's kinda deep. We'll see how it goes, maybe sleep on it and go from there.
Here is a question to ponder, would you risk it all, to have a chance to get it all?
Thanks for reading, much love and big hugs.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I'm not sure where to begin with this. It's 4:19 am right now and having millions of varying thoughts running through one's mind doesn't exactly encourage sleep so lets just go with whatever comes to mind first, and if this makes sense, great....and if not...then not I guess
I guess when I think of the situation as a whole the first thing I think was I gave RRC my best shot through the testing they required, studied, stayed up to date on current events, all the things it suggested, and still failed. I'm not sure what a person says to oneself for encouragement or any kind of uplifting or positive emotion when you put your heart into something and have it not turn out the way you want. It also makes me ponder personally, if my best wasn't good enough for RRC, how do I know my best will be good enough to get me good grades at ACC, and if not, then what do I do? I can remember as far back as age 12 telling myself I didn't want to be some average joe doing whatever job. Be a part of "the system" wake up, go to work, sit at desk, come home, go to bed, and repeat.
I find myself feeling so tired (no not because it's after 4 am) but just tired and drained in all aspects. Life since the new year, and pretty much all of December has been very stressful for varying reasons. I've tried to put on a brave face and act like life is all fine, while at the same time trying to work at things that I felt were important to me, but none of it has turned out, not even close. You try so hard to strive for certain things, while acting like life is all peachy, and putting on a happy face while around friends. I find myself when I'm out and about, having my head a millions miles away with various thoughts and concerns and trying so damn hard to think of various solutions or steps to improve things, or at least deal with things that aren't the way I'd like them to be, only to wind up empty handed every time. I just wish there was, as cheesy as it sounds, to have a person to rest a head on, and have them say everything will be okay - but admittedly, I probably wouldn't believe them given the way things have transpired over the past while.
I've been thinking to myself since I found out that my RRC application was turned down, trying to sort out all the things I'm either afraid of, unsure of or basically anything thats triggering a negative emotion within me, this is what I have so far.
1. My dog, Bert is getting quite old. I got her when I was in the 7th grade, and I'd feel awful if something happened to her if I wasn't here. I know it may not make a lot of sense, I can't explain it really but I just feel as though there would be a feeling of guilt on my part if something was to happen and I wasn't here. I'd love if I could find a way to take her with me not just for that, but for having at least some kind of companion especially at the start. I know it's slim and none for this to actually happen, but it would make life a bit easier
2. Money. I've done not to bad in my saving since I decided this is what I wanted to do, but I still have a fair bit to go and I really don't know if I am going to get there in time. Various people within my family have said they would help what they could but I really don't want to depend on that, while I obviously would appreciate any efforts. Outside of my bus pass, gym membership and dog food, my expenses are next to nothing, and it still may not be enough despite my best efforts (hey, that sounds familiar)
3. Friends. I'm really, really scared of losing touch with a number of my good friends. I know all the cliche's about friends and what not, but lets not kid ourselves, things do change whether we like them or not, and falling out of touch or losing those that I enjoy talking with and seeing. I know ACC isn't that far, but, and I suppose this ties in with the money part but I know I can't be coming back every weekend, or every 2nd weekend for that matter just because of travel costs, ontop of that even if I could I'd have to be selective in who I had time to see, and furthermore, it would make leaving when it was time to go back, more and more of a struggle. No win situation it would seem, or feel like anyways at the moment. I know meeting new friends out there would likely come, but that is little consolation, at least at the moment anyways.
4. Home. Whenever I'm out, whether it be work, friends, or whatever, I know whenever I get in I'm going to have 3 dogs barking their heads off at me as soon as they hear the door open. When I get "home" in Brandon, thats not going to happen, and while sometimes it drives me nuts to have everyone barking, I can't imagine my life without that.
I guess when it comes down to it, at the moment my confidence is pretty much shot in many areas of my life. I've put my heart into a number of things, only to fail, and I'm afraid of failing at this. I'm afraid of not having enough money when the time comes, and I'm afraid of losing those most important to me. I know in life, sacrifices have to be made, challenges will be faced and life will be downright rough. I'm not sure at any point I would have been feeling like this, empty and scared, and tired, and not knowing what to do. Someone once told me, you don't need to have all the answers, or know all the answers, but it sure would help at this point. So I guess all I got right now is taking things a day at a time, and remaining hopeful, despite past events that things will get better. Time will tell I guess. Thanks for reading.
*big hugs*
I guess when I think of the situation as a whole the first thing I think was I gave RRC my best shot through the testing they required, studied, stayed up to date on current events, all the things it suggested, and still failed. I'm not sure what a person says to oneself for encouragement or any kind of uplifting or positive emotion when you put your heart into something and have it not turn out the way you want. It also makes me ponder personally, if my best wasn't good enough for RRC, how do I know my best will be good enough to get me good grades at ACC, and if not, then what do I do? I can remember as far back as age 12 telling myself I didn't want to be some average joe doing whatever job. Be a part of "the system" wake up, go to work, sit at desk, come home, go to bed, and repeat.
I find myself feeling so tired (no not because it's after 4 am) but just tired and drained in all aspects. Life since the new year, and pretty much all of December has been very stressful for varying reasons. I've tried to put on a brave face and act like life is all fine, while at the same time trying to work at things that I felt were important to me, but none of it has turned out, not even close. You try so hard to strive for certain things, while acting like life is all peachy, and putting on a happy face while around friends. I find myself when I'm out and about, having my head a millions miles away with various thoughts and concerns and trying so damn hard to think of various solutions or steps to improve things, or at least deal with things that aren't the way I'd like them to be, only to wind up empty handed every time. I just wish there was, as cheesy as it sounds, to have a person to rest a head on, and have them say everything will be okay - but admittedly, I probably wouldn't believe them given the way things have transpired over the past while.
I've been thinking to myself since I found out that my RRC application was turned down, trying to sort out all the things I'm either afraid of, unsure of or basically anything thats triggering a negative emotion within me, this is what I have so far.
1. My dog, Bert is getting quite old. I got her when I was in the 7th grade, and I'd feel awful if something happened to her if I wasn't here. I know it may not make a lot of sense, I can't explain it really but I just feel as though there would be a feeling of guilt on my part if something was to happen and I wasn't here. I'd love if I could find a way to take her with me not just for that, but for having at least some kind of companion especially at the start. I know it's slim and none for this to actually happen, but it would make life a bit easier
2. Money. I've done not to bad in my saving since I decided this is what I wanted to do, but I still have a fair bit to go and I really don't know if I am going to get there in time. Various people within my family have said they would help what they could but I really don't want to depend on that, while I obviously would appreciate any efforts. Outside of my bus pass, gym membership and dog food, my expenses are next to nothing, and it still may not be enough despite my best efforts (hey, that sounds familiar)
3. Friends. I'm really, really scared of losing touch with a number of my good friends. I know all the cliche's about friends and what not, but lets not kid ourselves, things do change whether we like them or not, and falling out of touch or losing those that I enjoy talking with and seeing. I know ACC isn't that far, but, and I suppose this ties in with the money part but I know I can't be coming back every weekend, or every 2nd weekend for that matter just because of travel costs, ontop of that even if I could I'd have to be selective in who I had time to see, and furthermore, it would make leaving when it was time to go back, more and more of a struggle. No win situation it would seem, or feel like anyways at the moment. I know meeting new friends out there would likely come, but that is little consolation, at least at the moment anyways.
4. Home. Whenever I'm out, whether it be work, friends, or whatever, I know whenever I get in I'm going to have 3 dogs barking their heads off at me as soon as they hear the door open. When I get "home" in Brandon, thats not going to happen, and while sometimes it drives me nuts to have everyone barking, I can't imagine my life without that.
I guess when it comes down to it, at the moment my confidence is pretty much shot in many areas of my life. I've put my heart into a number of things, only to fail, and I'm afraid of failing at this. I'm afraid of not having enough money when the time comes, and I'm afraid of losing those most important to me. I know in life, sacrifices have to be made, challenges will be faced and life will be downright rough. I'm not sure at any point I would have been feeling like this, empty and scared, and tired, and not knowing what to do. Someone once told me, you don't need to have all the answers, or know all the answers, but it sure would help at this point. So I guess all I got right now is taking things a day at a time, and remaining hopeful, despite past events that things will get better. Time will tell I guess. Thanks for reading.
*big hugs*
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Well I figured I would try something a bit new. I've never done a blog before but I thought it might be kinda neat to do a number of things with it, so we'll see how it goes.
As for the title, A Drive To The Unknown, I chose the title because whether it is myself or anyone else we don't know what is going to happen in life short term or long term, but we are in a way driving to certain things, whatever they may be, so since I intend for this blog to contain some of the things in my life, I figured it was a suitable title....that and I was tired of pondering a title after about 30 minutes or so. I also intend to include various things to ponder, questions I may be pondering and maybe a sarcastic comment or joke, we'll see.
Today was an alright day. I didn't get myself to bed until 5am previously so I slept in until around noon before I decided to get my butt going. Had myself an awesome lunch at the Bees with a tuscan dip, steak and fries split with Katie. I was thinking as I was there, talking with Katie, Stevo and Bill how much I'm going to miss them, and others like them if my application for RRC doesn't pan out. Sure I'll be back from time to time, but lets be honest, how many relationships, and I don't mean girlfriend/boyfriend, but that certainly is not excluded stay the same when you are only back a couple of times a month, if that. I guess this is where you find out who are really your friends and who were acquaintances along the way.
(Pause. Watching the Czech Republic, Slovakia hockey game. It's good to see Slovakia hanging with them. Slovakia has always been like the little brother you school whenever you compete in something, so good for them for hanging in there. Also cool to see players like Jaromir Jagr and Zigmund Pallfy again. Funny how they are perceived as soft in the NHL, but in international play, they go all out. I suppose it's true that to Europeans, a medal for your country is more important to the Stanley Cup. To each their own I guess - LOL @ fan with a gigantic flag with a foaming beer mug. Classic.)
Before I wrap this up for the day, I want to say first that I hope everyone had themselves a good valentines day. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea for various reasons, myself as well. Anyways for those that did things for their significant other, hopefully the other 364 days are like valentines day as well. My main issue with it is we do, or plan all these special things because the calendar tells us to. To me, February 14 should be no different than June 17, August 22 or November 4. If it is no different, big kudos to you.
Lastly I want to say thanks for reading, I hope you liked what I had to say and hopefully you check back periodically in your Drive;)
*big hugs*
As for the title, A Drive To The Unknown, I chose the title because whether it is myself or anyone else we don't know what is going to happen in life short term or long term, but we are in a way driving to certain things, whatever they may be, so since I intend for this blog to contain some of the things in my life, I figured it was a suitable title....that and I was tired of pondering a title after about 30 minutes or so. I also intend to include various things to ponder, questions I may be pondering and maybe a sarcastic comment or joke, we'll see.
Today was an alright day. I didn't get myself to bed until 5am previously so I slept in until around noon before I decided to get my butt going. Had myself an awesome lunch at the Bees with a tuscan dip, steak and fries split with Katie. I was thinking as I was there, talking with Katie, Stevo and Bill how much I'm going to miss them, and others like them if my application for RRC doesn't pan out. Sure I'll be back from time to time, but lets be honest, how many relationships, and I don't mean girlfriend/boyfriend, but that certainly is not excluded stay the same when you are only back a couple of times a month, if that. I guess this is where you find out who are really your friends and who were acquaintances along the way.
(Pause. Watching the Czech Republic, Slovakia hockey game. It's good to see Slovakia hanging with them. Slovakia has always been like the little brother you school whenever you compete in something, so good for them for hanging in there. Also cool to see players like Jaromir Jagr and Zigmund Pallfy again. Funny how they are perceived as soft in the NHL, but in international play, they go all out. I suppose it's true that to Europeans, a medal for your country is more important to the Stanley Cup. To each their own I guess - LOL @ fan with a gigantic flag with a foaming beer mug. Classic.)
Before I wrap this up for the day, I want to say first that I hope everyone had themselves a good valentines day. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea for various reasons, myself as well. Anyways for those that did things for their significant other, hopefully the other 364 days are like valentines day as well. My main issue with it is we do, or plan all these special things because the calendar tells us to. To me, February 14 should be no different than June 17, August 22 or November 4. If it is no different, big kudos to you.
Lastly I want to say thanks for reading, I hope you liked what I had to say and hopefully you check back periodically in your Drive;)
*big hugs*
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