So Bobby Lou it is eh? Definitely a move that had to be made in my opinion. Marty just hasn't looked himself, and win or lose for Lou, this without a doubt is the right call. Good stuff Babcock for making a hell of a difficult choice. Hopefully the boys can use the Germany game as a confidence builder for the game against Russia that would be after.
Nothing new to report on the moving situation. I tried getting in touch with a person that I believe would be a good fit but there was no answer, but tomorrow is obviously a new day, better luck then. Still pretty scared about everything. Throughout all of this, my mom has been an amazing help. We haven't always gotten along all the time, but if I ever had any doubt if she'd be there when I needed her the most, I don't have to doubt or question any more. Thanks mom. Still trying my best to remain positive about everything, moving and school related, and otherwise as well. It's a struggle for sure, but just gotta keep on going and trying.
I've been thinking to myself over the past few days, if I wasn't in such a pinch to reach my goal financially before I leave for Brandon (program is 2 years, they suggested not working if at all possible so that is what I am striving for) that I'd really like to just go out for a drive and just see where I end up - like for a few days. I thought to myself maybe a trip up to the mountains, like Calgary, or even Banff, just to get away from everything and get some clear thought. I hear its one of the most beautiful places in the world, I'd like to go one day.
Not sure I'm quite ready to talk about what I was referring to in the previous posting. So much to say, and wanting to say it all right...stay tuned.
Much love, and lots of hugs.
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