Sunday, March 20, 2011


So I have these pet peeve of people either stopping instantly as they walk in front of you, or stopping at the entrance or an exit of something (building, door to a house, whatever) but I think today took the cake.

I was leaving the Safeway that is close to my house, and they have these automatic doors with these railings on both sides that extend going out towards the parking lot. So this person who was either completely oblivious to everything around her, or quite simply just plain stupid, stops right at the end of these railings so no one could exit the store on this one side. Now she had a full cart, so I'm not sure if she was expecting the person she was with to pull up with the car in front of the doors (which is of course illegal as a fire hazard, nice going ass hat) or whatever the case may be, but even as people were attempting to squeeze through, she refused to move. Pure idiocy!

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